Victim data |
Title: |
Attack of the portal on Naim Leo Beširi |
Case data : |
On August 17, 2022, Naim Leo Beširi, director of the Institute for European Affairs, was the target of an attack on the portal in an article entitled "Leo NATO Beširi: Russia is behind the rally, it's an attack on Vučić!". Beširi is accused of being a second-Serbian bot for the traitorous regime because he stated in an appearance on TV Nova S that Moscow is behind the rally organized against the holding of the Europride event in Belgrade and that it is a threat to President Vučić and his regime. This is the latest in a series of attacks on Beshiri, often the subject of threats and insults. |
Victim: |
Naim Leo Beširi |
Age: |
Permanint residence: |
Beograd |
Association: |
Institute for European Affairs |
Area of activity: |
EU integration process |
Type of group: |
A person who suffers: |
Person who is Targeted for Repression/Pressure/Attack
Incident: |
On August 17, 2022, Naim Leo Beširi, director of the Institute for European Affairs, was the target of an attack on the portal in an article entitled "Leo NATO Beširi: Russia is behind the rally, it's an attack on Vučić!". Beširi is accused of being a second-Serbian bot for the traitorous regime because he stated in an appearance on TV Nova S that Moscow is behind the rally organized against the holding of the Europride event in Belgrade and that it is a threat to President Vučić and his regime. This is the latest in a series of attacks on Beshiri, often the subject of threats and insults. |
Incident date: |
2022-08-17 |
Incident place: |
portal |
Continuity of attacks / pressures: |
Repetitive |
Attack data |
Attacker data: |
Media |
Electronic attacks: |
Defamation via Electronic Media or Social Media
Physical assault (possession): |
Physical assault on a person: |
Type of attack: |
Directly (Attack on the Targeted Person) |
Threats of violence: |
Legal actions: |
Type of endangered right: |
Restriction to Freedom of Expression |
Triggers / causes for attack |
Broader context that causes threats: |
LGBT rights |
Protection measures have been taken: |
Domestic General Public informed |
Measures taken and result: |
Links |
Лео НАТО Бешири: Иза литије стоји Русија, то је удар на Вучића! 07:20 17.08.2022.
Files |